Photo of finished butterfly paintings after a birthday paint party
About DragunfliDesignz

DragunfliDesignz is a constant work in progress… The more we learn, the more we adapt and these adaptations result in our creativity. We want everyone to discover their inner artist.

The Get Arted Paint Party is our way of introducing you to the artiste inside that has been waiting to show you what they can do. We create each painting uniquely for each and every party we teach. There is never a repeat art piece and we NEVER use stencils but we offer pre-drawn canvases for those who are uncomfortable with the blank canvas.

The process of Getting Arted shows you basic steps to create art that you never knew you could make. You learn that no two art pieces will ever look exactly alike…and that is always OKAY. Allow us to show you just how artistic you really are!


Creativity and imagination were passions that we shared even before we met. As kids, we have always loved art…As we got older (still before we met) we sketched, doodled, drew, and painted whenever possible…Creating whenever possible.

Joseph started with designing T-Shirts and logos for his schools & university then moved on to clothes, cards, logos, and more. He has worked on everything from flyers, business cards, booklets, brochures, posters, image editing, advertisements, product packing, catalogs, websites, and so much more.

Carmen has always been a crafter, tinkerer, baker, cook, and simply anything that requires the use of her creative mind. Things started long ago with making quilts, jewelry, baby stuff, and baking, but art has never been far from her thoughts.

Joseph is originally from Kansas City, MO and Carmen was born and raised in the Hub City, Compton, CA which is where DragunfliDesignz is based.

In this fast-paced environment, we really thrive off the beauty that surrounds us. So many cultures and ways of life keep our imagination going. As artists, we love being able to express ourselves…and art has become our way of sharing these passions with the world!

We got a Blog y’all!! – Check it out here